Thursday, December 13, 2012

the beat will allways save us

Shattuck/ Ashby- Berkeley, CA

Part of a graf- Oakland downtwon

Faces, faces- Downtown sometime, Oakland, CA

Appreciation Granted

 Oakland- Near the Alchemist

Started to see this up a little in the Bay

Saturday Market- One Drum/All Drum

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A lucky strike&you're out

Taken at Alameda Pier. The old, abandoned Navy grounds.

Sometimes buildings hold onto the fear and evil that humans have created within their worlds.

 It can express its self when all the people are gone and the earth has a moment to cleanse.


We moved out of our place in Oakland for the promise of new and better.

Waiting, waiting.

Remember, reflect, return, regroup.

How many good luck charms do you carry with you when you go?

The rabbits foot, the gold, the potted plants, your soul?

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The sister stream of evolving life

Forces of nature, grand and un-grand
repelling, combining
after some say
kills yet;
darkness was darker, grounded
the light was light, bright
around our crowns
recap and relapse
vortex shattered
respond, realize minds
light the wick of madness, joy
watch glow
embers along the sides of night
splintering glass like tidal

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

sky light/ night life

Starting up with a new computer and some new pics.....two month gap, so there is a lot to share!

Kite festival- the largest Octopus kite debut (maybe in the world or something?)

Days of skating 

The harvest was bountiful this year- the ability to grow A LOT of food in your backyard is always an inspiration for my general life. The whole seed-plant-food process makes you examine life on a holistic vibe. 

Radish seeds (above) are a hybrid from my Dad's yellow turnip and purple stripped radishes. This is the first time growing them out to seed-- which I have a lot of -thanks to the amazing seed creating abilities of this particular gem of a plant! Let me know if you would like some seeds--I have many to give away. They taste great and are really pretty. I believe that they would also work in a cold-frame type thing for my fellow four-season growers.

These wondrous beauties are Red Runner beans A.K.A Magic Beans. They have really delicate, bright red blossoms that morph into huge bean pods with purple/fuchsia beans. Awesome. I have a garden idea planned out for the future that will focus on only psychedelic looking plants/flowers. Think of passion flowers, red runner beans, stripped purple carrots, bright yellow beets......

more to come..

xo mary

Saturday, July 7, 2012



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Friday, June 22, 2012

Rough scans, scams and transteleportation

Still living in Oakland, making art and taking pictures. I have my first ever gallery-ish show coming up and I am both bewildered and excited.  Here are some recent shots from around my hood, scanned in kinda rough.

The neighborhood is getting more familiar and I am now caught up in a job and house stuff. It's nice, but still working at a cafe that is all-too familiar in the city-hipster way.

Still craving a change though- the cities all start to look familiar over time. It's true, Oakland is fucking rad to hang out in. Sunny, sunny sunshine all the time.

Contemplating a move to the SE and start my free-school. Back to the mountains and the lush-greenness of the rolling hills. The cautious, grand feeling of evolving projects and plans into workable life-goals that make me happy and alive feeling. These are all things that are starting to formulate, spin and come together. Oakland is wonderful in the way of progressing my art, health and mind- but it's not a place that I could imagine spending my time here permanent style.

Hazy futures become reality but realness, what's here is now- that's the true shit.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Welcome to this land, Meta Julie Wallace

I went to see my new niece in Wisconsin this past month. It was a whirlwind of a time filled with family and food--the standard practice when our family gets together.

The new little wonder-of-all-joys is called Meta, named after my grandma and great-grandma. I can just imagine Meta and Grant- brother and sister- lovely and effervescent, childlike with wonder and imagination. Best buds forever.

May she come to meet joys and fortunes of every imaginable kind, hidden in plain sight and deep in secret gardens.  May she receive all of the blessings that are attuned to her heart&head and know the wild, beautiful nature of mother earth and its kin.

Welcome to the family.

taken with a Polaroid 120/Land

reassurance & reoccurance & reclaimation

A review of old pictures. Taken on my dad's Canon 35mm slr and developed in the Photo II lab at Oshkosh North High School- 2001. Pictured is my best high school friend Nikki as the co-conspirator and half of our trouble making/photo class duo. We mostly hung out in graveyards and took artsy black and white photos for our projects and thought we were totally renegade.

I haven't thought about these pictures for a long time, but found them in a box at my parents house- right before the basement was flooded. Glad that I got them in time and thought I would share 'cause they are pretty and special to me.